Theology in Greifswald
Theology in Greifswald Plays a Part in Academic Discourse
By looking at the documents of Christian belief, Theology finds itself in diverse exchange with literary and historical sciences. The tackling of fundamental questions with regard to life connects it to all the areas that see themselves as ‘life sciences’. Theology also stands for the translation of everything that Christian tradition can add to today’s discussions. There is nothing more invigorating than taking part in the work of a so diversely connected and topical science - whether as a teacher or student!
Chairs and Institutes
Apart from theology’s classic disciplines of Old Testament, New Testament, church history, systematic theology, practical theology and religious/media education, there are also two specialist institutes with extensive collections: the Gustaf Dalman Institute (Research Institute for the History of the Material and Literary Culture of the Biblical World and Palestinian Studies [for further information, see below]) and the Victor Schultze Institute of Christian Archaeology and the History of Church Art (for further information, see below). The Research Institute for Evangelism and Church Development (IEEG) was founded in 2004 and researches and publishes on topics concerning church development and evangelical preaching, and also enriches the Faculty’s teaching with its own courses.
The required language skills can be obtained during your degree in the first two semesters, acquiring the corresponding qualifications (Hebraicum, Latinum, Graecum); with the Hebraicum after one semester and the Graecum and Latinum after two semesters.